Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Studio Ghibli has become a Japanese icon in the west and to these images represented in David Bull's work just seems proper. He is using only traditional Japanese techniques to produce the wonderful prints and at the same time keeping the flame of a cherished craft alive. He has already successfully shown a market for prints of this type and the iconic and beloved characters from Ghibli seems a perfect match of old craft and modern imagery. That concept in itself is so much of what Japan's greatness is about. The melding and transforming new and old into something special, something uniquely Japanese. I hope to see this collaboration come to fruition very soon. Thank you for your time. Best regards, Marcus Chambers
Ghibli, say yes .... please!
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Comments received ...

Message posted on: Monday 19th September 2016

Message posted on: Monday 19th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
USA has fallen behind in producing beautiful, affordable artwork/artistic representations which the average person can afford to decorate their life~appreciate.
California is the last state where Culture, Arts Tradition is still affordable for the common man~american.
California needs to lead the USA on Arts & Culture REVIVAL ...please approve DavidBull's proposal and enlighten our lives with artistic <3 charm. Fod knows we need it :)

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: David and his team respect the tradition and importance of Japanese woodblock printmaking. This would be a great way to honor tradition and current Japanese culture.

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
I would like to add my support for this project and request that such a collection be sold internationally as well. The work of Studio Ghibli knows no borders, it is loved by all.

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I've been watching and learning from David Bull for quite a long time now. He has given me a direct view on a part of the world that only existed to me through glass on museum walls. I'm speaking, of course, about the beauty of woodblock. Since sometime around last year I've started an apprenticeship under a woodworker so that I could be properly educated on how to carve. Now, I work almost daily to improve my skill and patience. I dream and aspire to create beautiful art like Mr. Bull. Please say yes to him so that a new generation of craftspeople can see this beautiful way of artistic expression.

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:As a long time fan of the studio its difficult to find licensed printed materials to display. I have a few of Davids pieces they are amazing and his attention to detail and the traditions of the medium are impeccable. I wouldn't trust many with the films I love so much but David is one of them his team will do the properties right.

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: To allow David this opportunity to work alongside Studio Ghibli and create some stunning prints feels like such a wonderful combination. His dedication, skill and love for his work is very much mirrored by Studio Ghibli. The theme's that run through many of Studio Ghibli's Film's can be seen in many of David's own videos and certainly seems like a match made in heaven. Lets help spread a little more joy and creativity and give artists a chance to shine.

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
Please take the opportunity to create beautiful art and craftsmanship together!

Message posted on: Sunday 18th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Amazing prints that deserve to be approved

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Studio ghibli characters are iconic and defined a generation (my generation) stretching far outside Japan. Traditional woodblock prints of these characters would be an excellent way to preserve the work you have done

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I want to preserve this beautiful art! I want to donate to this monastery of woodblock printing in any way I can

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: perf t combination of beautiful prints and your beautiful characters

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: My family loves all of the characters and would love this artwork in our house

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
I just love Ghibli animation. Marrying it to woodblock prints will really bring the Ghibli art to another level. I was a teenager when I first met Ghibli animation movies and have since loved all of them. I've been to the Ghibli museum as well as Mokuhakan. Please Ghibli, this will be a fantastic project!

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
This sounds like a very interesting and fun project! Why not? You should do it!

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: If the interests of the workers is at the heart of this plea, perhaps the prints can be made by Mokuhankan for Ghibli.

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: His video basically says it all. Many of us would love to have these on our walls. Please let him license your art!

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
As a long-time admirer of David Bull and the artwork produced by his workshop, I know with absolutely certainty that a collaboration between Mokuhankan and Studio Ghibli would be a perfect meeting of the minds!
Though supporting the burgeoning careers of a new generation of Japanese woodblock printmakers would be a wonderful corollary to this collaboration, the most obvious and amazing result would be the woodblock prints themselves.
Remember - contemporary prints, produced by an ink-jet printer, are inherently lacking in a human quality.
Given Studio Ghibli's strong history in extremely moving, human stories (with a fantastic touch!), the equally human touch of David Bull's workshop would only serve to enhance and exemplify the films of Studio Ghibli.
I cannot wait to see the final results of this collaboration - Mr. Miyazaki, Mr. Takahata and Mr. Suzuki please say yes!

Message posted on: Saturday 17th September 2016
I love everything to do with Ghibli and these prints would embody the style and essence of the films so beautifully.
I loved purchasing the bookmarks from the ghibli museum and these would be another beautiful collectors piece that the whole family would love.
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