Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I'd buy them too! Subarashii..
Ghibli, say yes .... please!
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Comments received ...

Message posted on: Monday 24th July 2017

Message posted on: Monday 24th July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I first fell in love with your work when i saw princess monoke for the first time then ponyo came out and oh man it was amazing as i grew up I started to watch more of studio ghibli and the more I watch the more i love it. Now my 8 year old daughter cant have enough from all your movies and we would love to have this displayed in our house as your movies have become part of our life.

Message posted on: Saturday 22nd July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:I love Ghibli and I love wood art, why not mix the two. I always see great things by mixing and matching so this might be amazing

Message posted on: Friday 21st July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I would love to be able to buy one of these woodblock prints and remember your movies more clearly! These prints are so beautiful and I would love to have these beautiful pieces of art.

Message posted on: Friday 14th July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I would buy all those prints and make proyections of Ghibli films in the University of Buenos Aires, I teach film history there.

Message posted on: Saturday 8th July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I love your films and think these prints would make a fantastic collector items. I can see by the sample print and other work of the Mokuhankan workshop that these prints would be created with much love and to the highest quality. Please say yes.

Message posted on: Tuesday 4th July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I love this idea!

Message posted on: Monday 3rd July 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: this print is so beautiful, it's a true joy for the eyes, and I really have to own this piece of japanese history.

Message posted on: Sunday 2nd July 2017
Dear Ghibli, please say "yes". Mokuhankan studio's project would be a perfect celebration japanese culture and ghibli's part in it.

Message posted on: Friday 30th June 2017
This style of art, very important and distinct to Japan, is probably the best way to capture the feeling and atmosphere of these incredible films - second only to the original watercolours by Miyazaki himself. Studio Ghibli needs no promotion or financial assistance, but they've proven over and over their love of giving to their fans and this would be a wonderful new way to do so.
Ghibli, say 'yes' please!

Message posted on: Thursday 29th June 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
I am an art student who has always been greatly inspired by both ukiyo-e and woodblock printing, and also the work of Studio Ghibli. To see both of them together would be a wonderful combination.

Message posted on: Thursday 29th June 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: As a young artist who has only just come across David Bulls fascinating videos, and a long time fan of ghibli films, it's easy for me to see this would be a wonderful collaboration!

Message posted on: Wednesday 21st June 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Since I discovered the beautiful works of Studio Ghibli over 18 years ago, I've been in love with them! I'm now beginning my training as an artist and printmaker as my second career, and being able to hold a traditionally made Japanese woodblock print of my favourite characters and movies would be awesome <3

Message posted on: Tuesday 13th June 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I would love to see this project come to life. Studio Ghibli say Yes.

Message posted on: Thursday 25th May 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
David Bull is more than capable of creating incredible woodblock prints to show off your art!

Message posted on: Tuesday 2nd May 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I love both ghibli movies and ukiyoe prints, it would be a dream come true to see this project come to fruition!

Message posted on: Thursday 6th April 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: This project is the ideal fusion of the animation characters and the traditional skills of the printmaker in Japan. if this ancient craft is to survive in the 21st Century it must be allowed to mine all aspects of our modern culture, including the popular media. An element of the profits could be steered towards good causes and the resulting prints would stand as a permanent and very classy homage to Studio Ghibli.

Message posted on: Friday 3rd March 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: As someone from germany with a keen interest in Japanese art, a project of this kind would be amazing. Since I was little, I watched Ghiblis lovely animated movies, which introduced my to a different culture at a young age. As I grew older, art became my love and especially traditional ones.
Combining the historic art of woodblock printing with my childhood heroes would make me very happy. And I hope the Mokuhankan workshop gets the support it needs, so it can teach its traditions to younger generations.

Message posted on: Sunday 29th January 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: These designs and hand crafted works of art would make amazing afditions to the world of charm and whimsey that Ghibli stories and movies have created in the young and young at heart around the world. I would love the opportunity to purchase a series like this and would strongly urge studio Ghibli to say yes to these talented artists.

Message posted on: Tuesday 17th January 2017
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I can't imagine a more perfect pair than David Bull woodblock printing and studio Ghibli. The intent and emotion behind both enterprises touch me to the core. I grew up wathcing studio Ghibli movies as a child and have purchased a few items from Mokuhankan workshop. I would love to see, and own, some traditional japanese wooblock art from a variety of Studio Ghibli movies!
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