Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I have been following this arist's work for some time now. I purchased a few when I finally met in person as well. This will not only be great publicity for Ghibli, but the artist will definetly wont let the quality aspect down as wll.
Ghibli, say yes .... please!
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Comments received ...

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I've loved Studio Ghibli films for a long, long time, and the memories I've had since childhood continue to inspire me to this day. Being able to buy legitimately licensed prints here in the States would be amazing. But being able to buy traditional Japanese wood block prints would be just that much more incredible. I do not own a single woodblock print as of now, and it is something I would love to add to my collection. I hope you see that your American fan base would love to receive merchandise that you've sanctioned just as much as your Japanese fan base!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I've lived your films and that it is still hand drawn! A collaboration of these two traditional mediums would be amazing

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:Mr Jed Henry is doing wonderful things to bring more attention to traditional japanese block print art by using characters that are beloved throughout the world. I my self being half Japanes and grew up in ehime till I was 13 was thrilled when I saw Jeds work. It bought back lots of memories from the country and culture that I love so much. I have also met Jed in person and can tell you that he is a true artist, and that he takes great pride in what he dose. Jed really loves Japanese block print art, and is interested in showing the world that there is a place for traditional Japanese Art.
Jayson k Barney

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I've grown up on Ghibli films and have always felt refreshed/happy/sad and inspired after each viewing. Now when I think Ghibli I feel nostalgia - something that Dave Bull and his team also create with their woodblock prints. My grandmother has gifted me Japanese woodblock prints over the years. They are now some of my most prized possessions and I consider them artifacts. I think it would be amazing for Dave Bull to be able to create modern artifacts in the form of woodblock prints featuring art from animation and stories that are loved by so many. I hope this reaches you well - the people would sure be happy :)

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: It keeps Japanese Culture alive at home and abroad. Allowing the use of your images, might not directly add money to your studio, but it's free advertising for your product. We support your work, and this form of free advertising goes a long way. They are not being marked up, so it's just keeping your characters alive for everyone!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: These wood prints are nothing but a homage to the wonderful art of ghibli studios . I think it would be wonderful to see it combined with those fabulous wood prints

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Because this would be amazing. That's why.

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Your movies have inspired me over the years! They remind me of my childhood and I would love nothing more than to have a beautiful Japanese woodblock momento to look at of some of my favorite movies :)

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Your work is amazing! Ukiyoe Heroes are keeping another craft alive and accessible to your fans. What a beautiful way to keep my favorite anime and Japanese art, that is handcrafted, in handcrafted, wooden block creations. More than just my home will be warmed and changed for the better. Please say yes! We love you!!!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I would love a gorgeous collection of your beloved films in this beautiful traditional art style.

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Ghibli prides itself in upholding older traditions of animation in a modern era, and i think it seems fitting for them to reflect that in supporting this woodblock printing project - supporting older traditions in a modern era!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
I would love to see classic scenes frozen in time in such a fantastic way!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I can't wait to get this project up and running!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I personally know the quality if the work that is done, and I'm positive anything produced featuring Ghibli characters would be if the highest quality.

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Jed Henry and Dave Bull's continued work on refining and reintroducing the medium of Ukiyoe art to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people every single day, and with that being the case, having officially licenced art based on Studio Ghibli features would not only expand this magic of this craft to a whole new audience, but also the charm and wonder that is also found in your studios works.
I believe officially liscencing these works would be a wise both for you and for the exploration of art and Japan's own culture to a worldwide audience!
Please say yes, for all of us!

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: It would be so great to have professionally woodblock printed scenes of these masterpiece movies! It would both allow fans like myself to get such art pieces related to your movies and help support a genuine printing art form that is hard to find the like of these days.

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I have been a huge fan of your work since childhood, and now as an ukiyo-e print collector and enthusiast, I feel like your films' visual styles and emotional resonances translate perfectly to ukiyo-e printing.

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Please, we need to show you guys how much we love you.

Message posted on: Friday 1st April 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Your work is beautiful, and ukiyo-e is a historic, beautiful form of Japanese artistic expression. There's no better way to honor the quality, and significance of Studio Ghibli's artistry than to commemorate it in this ancient art style!
Ukiyo-e Heroes is a dedicated, passionate company that deeply cares about the art form and not exploiting it. It's brings ukiyo-e to a modern audience!
Studio Ghibli, please say yes!
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