Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I have always loved Studio Ghibli and Ukiyo-e prints. These two things are inseparable in my mind. Not only are they two purely beautiful Japanese forms of art- they may indeed be the two of the most beautiful forms of art I have ever seen in any context. Both have forcefully and subconsciously shaped my appreciation of art and I could not think of any better way to celebrate two of the greatest forms of art to ever exist. Please say yes Ghibli!
Ghibli, say yes .... please!
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Comments received ...

Message posted on: Wednesday 12th October 2016

Message posted on: Wednesday 12th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Reproducing these prints would be a great way to preserve Japanese culture for us all to appreciate in time to come. Studio Ghibli's work is perhaps the most iconic of anime, and expressing it through woodblock printing is the ultimate way to honor both art forms.

Message posted on: Monday 10th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Because it'll be the best mix between two of the greatest japan's art : ukio-e wood curving and animated movies. the soft an precious soul of these two art will create a fabulous render. What is better than an actual living master piece transcended by an ancient (still living) and traditional art form ? I'll love to see theses characters having a new life made of wood. So please Ghibli, SAY YES ! イエスと言ってください

Message posted on: Friday 7th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Ukiyoe Heroes delivers beautiful art every month, I would love to see my favorite Ghibli moments done by their hand!

Message posted on: Friday 30th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: JUST DO IT. I've seen plenty of cheap, mass-produced Ghibli merchandise. This is a product that makes a lot of sense, and the collaboration seems like a no-brainer.

Message posted on: Friday 30th September 2016
Why does this not already exist? Take my money, please!
This can only be a win-win for everyone involved. I know Studio Ghibli is uber-protective of their licensing, but there comes a time when the perfect partner arrives. That man is David Bull. I am hooked on his passion and dedication to craft that comes through in each and every one of his video documentaries on Youtube. His careful handling of Hokusai's The Great Wave print was a monumental demonstration of his mastery. Since then, the resume has only continued to improve. And with a fine stable of young, enthusiastic artisans at the ready, the time is now!
I yearn to see the artwork of Ghibli given such detailed attention and presented in such a classy art form. Say yes, Ghibli. Just say yes already!

Message posted on: Thursday 29th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: we want artwork of this quality in our home!

Message posted on: Wednesday 28th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: their art is beautiful and stunning. all the effort put into each handcrafted piece is a lost art. each print captures the beauty of the culture while keeping the characters true to form.

Message posted on: Tuesday 27th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: What better way to capture the essence of studio ghibli than though the tradional japanese medium of woodblock printing ! David and his team work with extreme love and passion to keep this traditional art alive and this would help them greatly.

Message posted on: Saturday 24th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Your work is amazing and David's work is amazing and i think the two of you could make some amazing art!

Message posted on: Saturday 24th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Because they work with the same passion and care as you do <3

Message posted on: Friday 23rd September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Mr. Bull’s intention with this Project is, in his own words, inmortalize some of the most famous scenes and characters that were born in Ghibli Studios. But we can also find some more deeply important meanings to his objetives. To get to them we must observe and try to understand it as a contemporary art work project, a combination of an old traditional technique, as the woodblock printing is, and a selection of images that were created and executed using modern technologies, expossed by the mass media, destinated to a crowdy public that does’nt need to know anything about arts to be able to comprehend and enjoy them. This kind of appropiations made by the inclution of foreign elements into the art’s world is one of the most selected resources for those artists who work in the cause of bringing arts and common people’s life together. We consider David Bull’s work as a sublime expression of the technique, and conceptually full of artistic scense. Is because of this two things together that every project he starts transforms into trascendential pieces of art. From Argentina, a country in the other side of the globe, we add to this petition: Ghibli say yes, please!

Message posted on: Friday 23rd September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: To make this beautiful tradition live and to thank Dave Bull for a lifetime of effort and art!

Message posted on: Thursday 22nd September 2016
This project is about the high culture techniques of Japan's past meeting the modern images and characters that have come to illustrate the country's creativity. To have the images from Studio Ghibli take a new life from this fine art technique of Japanese wood block printing would be a boon for all of the parties involved. As a fan of Studio Ghibli's creations, and an artist with deep respect for David Bull and his associates, I and my students at the Green School Bali are in full support of this project!

Message posted on: Wednesday 21st September 2016
The people over at Mokuhankan are passionate about traditional Japanese printmaking. They work hard and are quite skilled, as can be seen in their prints, as well as Mr. Bulls videos on YouTube. Your approval of Ghibli prints would mean a lot to both fans of your fantastic movies, and to those with interest in the art of printmaking. I personally, a Ghibli-enthusiast with a newfound interest for Japanese printmaking, sincerely hope you come to an agreement with Mokuhankan; if not for the artists, their fans or your fans, then for the sake of breathing new life into a craft with a great heritage.

Message posted on: Tuesday 20th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I've grown up watching Studio Ghibli's work and i'll love to buy some artwork to share with my family

Message posted on: Tuesday 20th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Creativity is all about sharing, and more is more!

Message posted on: Tuesday 20th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
- We love Ghibli characters! My kids grew with them, they are like part of the family... - I love Japanese art, and particulary ukiyo-e. I'm trying myself to learn mokuhanga. - But this art is less and less popular, in these days of digital art, and few real sensei remain this days. -David Bull is one of these, able to work on very classical stuff (greatWave of Kanagawa) and more modern creation with mangakas. - So I really think that this project would be a perfect match, and I would really be happy to be able to offer these prints to friends, family... and keep some for me of course! Please, say YES! Fred, Paris, France

Message posted on: Monday 19th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: It would a beautiful way to commemorate the wonderful scenes that can be found in a Ghibli movie!

Message posted on: Monday 19th September 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: just because
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