Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: beautiful artwork that can be passed down and expand to other audiences all around the world. Please! Thank you!!
Ghibli, say yes .... please!
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Comments received ...

Message posted on: Tuesday 10th January 2017

Message posted on: Wednesday 28th December 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: because this is a beautiful way to have prints from one of the most loved animation studios in the world!

Message posted on: Monday 5th December 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: because Jed Henry's and David Bull's work is amazing! It brings old and new together in a way that is amazingly appropriate. Ukiyo-e gave rise to anime and manga, so it makes sense to have the two combined in a historic way. I know I would love to see it happen!

Message posted on: Monday 5th December 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I'm a friend of Jed and Dave, and I LOVE their work. I also am a very big fan of Studio Ghibli's work. Both groups make incredible work and to see them collaborate would be a dream come true.
Much like Studio Ghibli's collaboration with Level-5 for Ni no Kuni, I think a series with Ukiyo-e Heroes would be a wonderful opportunity for both groups.

Message posted on: Monday 5th December 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: because Jed Henry's and David Bull's work is amazing! It brings old and new together in a way that is amazingly appropriate. Ukiyo-e gave rise to anime and manga, so it makes sense to have the two combined in a historic way. I know I would love to see it happen!

Message posted on: Thursday 1st December 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I love the Studio Ghibli anime and I also love japanese woodblock prints! Being able to see both come together would be marvelous!

Message posted on: Monday 28th November 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: because it look cool as fuck and I want many. And remember you can always make them pay you a percent and make $$$ for doing Nothing.

Message posted on: Saturday 19th November 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: the artwork is staying true to the Ghibli name and characters, but with the wonderful addition of a traditional wood print.

Message posted on: Saturday 19th November 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Because these are respectful and tasteful pieces of art which would be an excellent addition to any Ghibli merchandise that is currently in circulation.

Message posted on: Saturday 12th November 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Please allow a truly talented and culturally aware craftsman to be honored with producing content based off of your wonderful Ghibli legacy. This looks like a magical project and rest assured will spread its magic to others and bring more fans to your studio's work. Please and thank you.

Message posted on: Sunday 6th November 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I grew up with Ghibli films. They're what made me LOVE Japan and Japanese culture. I have been learning Japanese for 8 months now and my progress has been so great. It's all because I watch great films such as Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke in their original language! Studio Ghibli... Say "yes"!

Message posted on: Friday 4th November 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I would really enjoy Studio Ghilbi IPs as interpretted by the Ukiyo-e Heroes team because they do such a wonderful job at coming up with unique and extremely original ideas and applying them to characters their fanbase is extremely familiar with and dearly love.

Message posted on: Tuesday 1st November 2016
There are few mediums of art that touch the heart as much as animation does for all it's viewers -- especially children. Studio Ghibli is one that stands the test of time by guiding its viewers through lessons of courage, aspiration, the strength of magic and love, and the countless other emotions that stir the heart.
The artists at Studio Ghibli work tireless to convey their work with the utmost care and detail, just as David does. Words do poorly to describe the level of attention and love that goes into all of David's work. Upon seeing David's work, it is obvious to see the level of passion and joy that goes into each and every piece that comes from his hands. The values of bringing ancient Japanese craftsmanship and artistry to the masses of the world is an important job that will help keep the art of woodblock printing alive for many generations to come.
Studio Ghibli, you must trust David with the task of making these pieces. Far beyond any monetary value, these pieces are another vehicle for young artists across the globe to draw inspiration and courage from -- to follow their dreams and remind them of the many lessons and memories they have from characters like Chihiro, Ponyo, Sophie, and Jiro. I feel that this same belief is one that all of the staff, including Mr. Miyazaki, hold true to their hearts.
Please make this project a reality. Please allow David to make this prints and share them with all of the world. Let these prints be a treasure for generations to come.

Message posted on: Tuesday 1st November 2016
This was be a wonderful contribution to the imaginative world of Studio Ghibli. お願いします!

Message posted on: Saturday 29th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Your films are inspiring, beautiful, heartfelt. David Bull's work aligns perfectly as a method to help "continue the story," as it were. I will support this effort should it ever come to fruition.

Message posted on: Thursday 27th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Prints are absolutely stunning! Have bought the ukiyoe heroes series and i'm loving it! I'm sure it'll sell well too! Do it Ghibli!

Message posted on: Sunday 23rd October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
Because these are gorgeous and a great way to honor more than one art form.

Message posted on: Saturday 22nd October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: This artist devoted part of their life to appreciating the work of Ghibli through their own art form. We all love the works of Ghibli and this is a way if shoeing gratitude. Thank you.

Message posted on: Tuesday 18th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: this would be incredibly amazing, and a perfect way to enshrine an important part of my childhood!

Message posted on: Tuesday 18th October 2016
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: These prints would be the perfect blend of modern and traditional Japanese art - treating both with the utmost respect that they deserve. The quality and craftsmanship would be exceptional, and the artistry world-class. Truly a unique piece of art that deserves to see the light of day.
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