Spirited Away is my favorite movie of all time - the story, the characters, the music, but especially the art. It's a world so distinctive, beautiful - the settings sparkle with life, so vivid and imaginative. I believe Dave can capture this essence in the format of woodblock prints. Please, Studio Ghibli, give him a chance - and say yes!
Ghibli, say yes .... please!
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Comments received ...

Message posted on: Tuesday 29th March 2016

Message posted on: Thursday 1st May 2014
Ghibli, Dave is the most passionate artist I have ever met, and I can say for sure that your project will be in good hands should you allow him to create great works of art for you.

Message posted on: Thursday 24th April 2014
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Dave is a professional, and is fully dedicated to his craft, and will treat Miyazaki-san's revered works with the utmost care, love and respect they deserve. Having seen and bought a few of his prints, I know that he'll create something truly wonderful and breathtaking if only he's given permission to do so; seriously, just trying to imagine it is giving me goosebumps!

Message posted on: Wednesday 5th February 2014
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Two little girls who introduced me to their beloved Studio Ghibli films and who love David Bull's woodblock prints will be as thrilled to receive such a gift as I, an old woman, will be happy to please them with it. You have given so much delight to so many with your wonderful work, won't you please give this approval to Mokuhankan and allow us to have this additional joy.

Message posted on: Wednesday 22nd January 2014
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
The works of Studio Ghibli are for more than simply beautiful and charming, as they appear on the surface. The films, especially My Neighbor Totoro, are a heartfelt journey into another world for myself and many others. The movies evoke such a feeling of warmth and nostalgia that owning a piece of that experience is a must.
However, this desire cannot be satisfied with a glossy, plastic bento nor a garishly proportioned plush (I know, I have tried). These prints would be the first merchandise to finally embody both the beloved images as well as the bittersweet longing for the past evoked by the films.
Please reconsider your refusal. The opportunity to own these prints would be greatly appreciated and deeply loved by countless fans, including myself.
Thank you.

Message posted on: Wednesday 22nd January 2014
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Just PLEASE! Thank you!

Message posted on: Monday 13th January 2014
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: The art of Studio Ghilbli is so beautiful; it would pair beautifully in the woodblock art form.

Message posted on: Wednesday 20th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I grew up watching all of your films, and I love every single one of them. Your name is synonymous with Japan for me and thousands of other fans all around the world.
The project that Mr. Bull is suggesting would not only bring a special type of Studio Ghibli memorabilia into the homes of your fans, but it would tie it in to the wonderful history of Japan itself. Studio Ghibli films are very reminiscent of the Ukiyo-e movement and should be considered the very same.
Please consider his proposal. It's too special to let this pass by.

Message posted on: Saturday 16th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: The world of Ghibli is too beautiful not to share! Mokuhankan are a very talented studio, and your worlds will be beautifully rendered!

Message posted on: Saturday 16th November 2013
Ghibli, won't say 'yes'. Here's why: As sorry I am for you, but if Ghibli WANTS a special project for their movies, they can make it themselves. After all, you still more or less just want to make money with your work (of course, plus make fans happy etc.). But it's Ghibli's Job to do that for their fans.
There' a Ghibli Museum, there's Ghibli Fanstuff, and thats okay. They don't need the help of any big company (like Disney) and I find that GOOD. Other companys just grow the hell shit out of themselves (like google etc.) and eat up any company they want. Please just accept that Ghibli doesn't want any help, and concentrate on other Projects. Sorry.
[Dave's reponse: Thank you for your comments; I fully understand that the people who call the shots at the Ghibli Studios may not want me to proceed with such a project. The reason I am still trying to push forward is that I believe they simply haven't had a chance to make a reasoned decision - they have no idea how beautiful such woodblock prints can be. If - once I have had a face-to-face meeting with some of these people and have had a chance to present my case - if then, they still say 'no', then I will fold my tent and close this up ...]

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: by making an exception for these talented, creative and unique artists you actually reinforce your "no licensing" rule! You make a statement that you don't want Ghibli's works to be turned into garbage merchandise, but honored as true art.

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
These movie prints would look beautiful in Japanese woodblock print, they would exemplify what is at the core of all Miyazaki films: nature is wonderful!

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: All of the films that you, as a studio, have resounded so deeply with children and adults alike for many years! This is a wonderful opportunity for these adoring fans to have a precious memento that will forever remind them of the love they have for your films. It would be so wonderful if you would say yes. Pretty please.

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I have been a fan of ghibli since i was a child. I really love japan and its culture. I think that what mokuhankan workshop are doing is amazing. They are trying to save a piece of japanese culture. I really admire the woodblock prints and I am surely going to subscribe to it. I would love to see studio ghibli's art as an amazing woodblock. My house will be filled with a bit of japanese culture and art. So please Ghibli, say yes!

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why:
I want to put one of this woodblocks in my childs room, something he can see and treasure for a lifetime!

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: I remember in 2000 when Mononoke Hime was going to be released to the USA on DVD. They were not going to include a Japanese soundtrack with English subtitles. Through Nausicaa.net, we started a letter writing campaign to beg Ghibli to include a Japanese track on the DVD. They did finally decide to do so. Americans could hear this wonderful movie in the language of it's birth.
Here is another letter writing campaign. David Bull and Jed Henry have reverence for their subject matter. The woodcut is a unique medium that conveighs emotion and beauty, as do Ghibli animated movies. To combine these mediums would be a wonderful thing. Please reconsider? Your work would be translated into wonderful art, and there could be a possibility that your favorite charity could benefit.
Thanks, Cynthia L. Member Nausicaa.net email list.

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! This team are the genuine article. Having seen what they produce, I can guarantee that with your images they would take iconic to a whole new level, if you give them permission to do so. As creators, I'd like to think that you appreciate other genuine creators, who are also actively preserving and promoting an art. Refusing Disney licensing rights? Yes, I can understand that. Refusing these guys? Hmmm, not so much! Don't disappoint us, please! Deirdre Morrison, Ireland

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: Jed and David Bull make great prints and pieces of art that do the source material justice and could expand your brand to a wider audience or to the existing fanbase, but give them something to hold on to. It's obvious that the Ghibli brand is a very powerful and sacred brand, much more than Disney or Nintendo, but I strongly feel that this product would come out great, many people would want them, and even more would buy them. Please reconsider!

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Studio Ghibli - Your movies have taught so many people all over the world through your whimsical tales to respect nature and tradition in a world where modern commercialism is quickly taking over. David Bull has sent his beautiful woodblock prints around the world too and is trying to teach people on a global scale to appreciate and revive a beautiful, yet dying art tradition from your homeland. Why not pair up together to send the world the beautiful messages given in your films while simultaneously supporting the preservation of a piece of your cultural history?
I have already purchased many prints from David Bull and Jed Henry and would LOVE to make more wall space available in my home to display some beautiful Ghibli prints! Please say yes!!

Message posted on: Friday 15th November 2013
Ghibli, say 'yes' please! Here's why: The ukiyoe heroes are amazing, coupled with beautiful ghibli designs, you would have fantastically beautiful images! And a very fitting lens for the ghibli world. Best of luck Dave! Gambaru!!
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